Autumn on the yoga mat

Autumn is upon us and it is a beautiful time of year. The magic of the season as nature prepares for her winter rest, with the seasons crisp winds starting to blow, and her golden light, as we watch the leaves fall to the ground. And amid it all, like a faithful friend your yoga practise awaits, it is time to focus on the steadiness (sthira) of practice and nourish the energy built by summer. As it says in the Yoga Sutras attributed to Patanjali: ‘The physical postures should be steady and comfortable’. The late B K S Iyengar wrote ‘In every pose there should be repose’. There is a balance of effort and ease.

Yoga Bloom helps you settle into this autumn season with a full timetable of yoga classes.

Iyengar yoga teachers Brenda and Joan teach students Wednesday &Thursday mid morning being kind and gentle with ourselves and listening to our bodies.
For students that have completed Basic Beginners or Beginners the practice of Restorative Yoga in slowing down, is another recommendation into this season, with Jenny bringing some nourishing quiet on Sunday afternoons.

This current Term will wrap up on 1st April,
and classes will return from 18th April, running through to 26th June

Beginners Yoga

Some new additions for Beginners Yoga and some extra beginners2 level classes are a few of the small time changes.

Take a look at the timetable and book your place via the link below:

Join Yoga Beginner Basics no yoga experience or wish to brush up!! 

Join our Beginner 2 class, It is when the student asks the question When do I go from beginners up?, I feel ready!!

As Suzuki Roshi writes “In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”

Autumn self care

Doing our yoga practice is important though so is eating well. According to Ayurvedic, our health is the most vulnerable at the junction between seasons. Enjoy the goodness of kitchari. Eat a bowl for breakfast or  kitchari cleanse, (treats the lungs & large intestine) 
  • 1/2 cup moong dal, split mung beans
  • 1/2 cup Basmati rice
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 tablespoon ghee, coconut oil or avocado oil for vegan-friendly
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced fresh ginger, or a pinch of ground ginger powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
    1/4 teaspoon black pepper

For Garnish:

  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro